I've known for some time that my nameless chisel set would have to go. I'm not even sure where they came from but I have a sneaking suspicion they came from Harbor Freight because the look like they have one foot in the grave and their edge crumbles like dry dirt at the mere sight of mortise that needs cleaning up. So while at Rockler for their "Brown Bag" sale last Saturday I picked up this set of 4 chisels for $29.99. The overall construction seems solid. My plan is to first flatten the backs this weekend, and put a secondary 5* microbevel on the already ground 25* primary bevel. I will admit that the woodworker in me feel somewhat uncomfortable with a chisel that has a plastic handle and not a wood one it's like seeing Sylvester Stalone attempt a romantic scene in an action flick... awkward.
Here at the chisel details from Rockler's website in case you all were wondering.
An excellent chisel set with rugged plastic handles and the incomparable steel blades. The Blue Chip Handles have a '' rounded square'' cross section that fits comfortably in the hand, making the chisel easy to control regardless of the angle of the blade
The Bevel Edge is now the most popular type of general purpose chisel. It is used for chamfering, dovetailing and making clean cuts in tight corners where a firmer chisel would jam.
Set of 4 contains - 1/4'' , 1/2'' , 3/4'' , and 1'' chisels
Hopefully these chisels will fill in for awhile until I can get my ultimate set of chisels the Two Cherries 6 piece chisel set! But unfortunately at the moment I cannot justify the $170 price tag of this chisel set!
If you're looking for a great book on sharpening I'd totally recommend the book below it's fantastic and has alot of great full color photography in it! Ron Hock does a great job taking you from square 1 to hair shaving sharp edges.